Get more out of Stessa with BiggerPockets Pro
Stessa helps investors put an end to the busy work – automate accounting, monitor property performance, streamline income and expense tracking, and eliminate paperwork. Built by investors for investors.
Use your BiggerPockets Pro credentials to unlock advanced features like unlimited portfolios and chart history. Learn more below.
Check out the advanced features you get with a BiggerPockets Pro account:
Unlimited custom portfolios
Simplify bookkeeping and accounting
Add all your properties to Stessa, and organize them into portfolios based on ownership structure, type, or however you want to group them. Run reports and track expenses at the portfolio level, and add partners to specific portfolios for easy collaboration.

Unlimited chart history
Analyze historical performance of your properties
Monitor key metrics like net cash flow, net worth, and monthly expenses from your Stessa dashboard to see how your portfolio performs over time. Zoom in on the last few months, or check all-time performance to track progress towards meeting your goals.

Generate a SREO instantly
Get a high-level summary of your portfolio including debt, equity, and income in just a couple clicks. The SREO is perfect for sharing with lenders or partners.

Whether you have one or 100 hundred properties, setup takes minutes:
Add properties and portfolios
Add all your single-family, multifamily, and short-term rentals, along with relevant lease details, tenant information, and more.
Link financial accounts
Connect bank, credit card, mortgage, and property management accounts to import transactions automatically and populate financial reports.
Manage and track your assets
Handle key functions like accounting, leasing, and rent collection efficiently. Get insights to make better investment decisions.